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Wolverton Park Bowls Club - Club Competitions Rules

The following rules for internal club competitions were agreed and adopted for the start of the 2022 season. 


 General Rules

1. Competitions are open to all fully paid up members of Wolverton Park Bowls Club (WPBC). To enter competitions all annual subscriptions need to have been paid in full

2. WPBC  internal competitions will be run and overseen by a Competitions Committee agreed and appointed by the AGM. Disputes relating to these rules, or other matters relating to club competitions, should be adjudicated by the Competitions Committee.

3. The Competitions Committee will define dates and timelines for all internal competitions. This will include the dates by which each round of competitions must be completed. All rounds in all competitions should be played and completed by the date/deadline stated on the draw. Failure to do so may result in disqualification for the defaulting player(s)/pair(s). Extensions may be granted in exceptional circumstances but only at the discretion of the Competitions Committee, for example in the event of illness. 

4. The first of the two names/pairs bracketed together on the draw is the challenger, who must arrange with his/her opponent to play the tie in good time, providing a choice of at least three different dates, one of which must be accepted. One of the dates offered must be at the weekend to support members who are working. When agreed the details of the match must be entered in the Fixture Diary placed in the WPBC clubhouse. 

5. Should the challenger or his/her opponent be unable to obtain a definite date and time to play then, seven days prior to the expiration of the deadline, this fact should be brought to the attention of the Competitions Committee, who may disqualify the defaulter for non-compliance with rule 3. The remaining player will then receive a bye to the next round. 

6. It is the responsibility of the challenger (first named) to arrange a marker for any singles competition with the agreement of the opponent, except for the finals. However, if requested, the Competitions Committee may appoint a marker for the semi finals of any singles competition. Rinks should be selected at random, either in advance or on the day of the match. Members involved in roll ups must vacate rinks drawn by those playing in club competitions.

7. No player/pair in a competition shall play previously on the same rink on the day of such competition.

8. Start times - Players and pairs will agree on a start time for their match. Matches must begin no later than 15 minutes after that start time. If a player or pair is unable to start their match until after the 15 minutes has elapsed they will be disqualified from the competition. Club competitions played after 31 July shall not commence later than 18:30, unless a later start has been agreed by all players/pairs.

9.  Abandoned Matches – Where a game has commenced and has to be abandoned due to adverse weather, poor light, etc., the players/pairs shall:

i.  decide to replay the  game at the earliest convenient date starting at the score at the time of abandonment, or

ii. agree that the result will stand provided:

in  a singles game, at least one player has twelve shots or more, except in the case of a Handicap Singles game, where at least one player has reached half their required score (rounded-up) plus one shot. 

in a pairs game, at least 11 ends should have been played. Note - both players/pairs need to agree that a result will stand.

10. Dead Ends – are where a jack is pushed off either side of the rink. In these cases the end will count and be recorded on the scorecard. The opponent of the player who kills the end shall be deemed to have won the end and be awarded 2 points. These rules do NOT apply when the jack is pushed to the ditch at the end of the rink. In this case normal rules of bowls will apply. 

11. Tied Ends – are where it cannot be decided which bowl is shot, i.e. where they are identical distances away from the jack. In this case the end is counted and added to the scorecard but no score is added for either side.

12. Scorecards - at the end of every competition match both players in singles matches and both skips in each pairs, triples or rink matches must agree and sign the scorecard which must then be placed in the Competitions Box in the Clubhouse. 

13. Club Rinks and Triples Competitions - the Competitions Committee is responsible for selecting teams for the club rinks and triples competitions. Prior to selecting teams the Competitions Committee will identify appropriate Lead bowlers and Skip bowlers and ensure that those identified are evenly spread among each of the competing teams. 

14.  Dress – for all competitions for players will be greys, with white tops (or club shirts).  Finals will be played in Whites. Markers are encouraged to dress in a similar fashion.

15.  Substitutes – if one of a pair is unable to continue in a pairs competition, substitutes are allowed in exceptional circumstances as agreed by the Competitions Committee. An available substitute must be an eligible club member who has not previously played in the same competition in the current season. The Competitions Committee will identify available substitutes and select one at random to join the existing player in the pair. 

16. Excepting all local conditions and amendments above, all games will be played in line with the Spirit and Laws of the Sport of Bowls. Players must be considerate with respect shown to other bowlers.



Competition Specific Rules

17. Men’s, Women’s and Mixed Championship Singles 

All Championship singles matches will be played in accordance with the General Rules listed above. The following rules will also apply:

  • The winner will be the first player who reaches the aggregate score of 21

  • Each player will bowl 4 woods at each end

  • Markers are required for singles matches and should be arranged in line with the Competition General Rules. 

18. Men’s and Women’s Handicap Singles

All handicap singles matches will be played in accordance with the Competition General Rules. The following rules will also apply:

  • The difference between each player’s handicap should be entered on the scoreboard at the start of each match. As an example, 

    •  If player A has a handicap of 1 and player B a handicap of 8, the score for player B starts with 7 shots.

  • The winner will be the first player who reaches the aggregate score of 21 - after the handicap has been applied

  • Each player will bowl 4 woods at each end

  • Markers are required for singles matches and should be arranged in line with the Competition General Rules. 

  • In the event of a tie after 21 ends an additional deciding end will be played

Separate guidance is available on how handicaps are applied for Club Competitions. Disputes about handicaps should be addressed to the Competitions Committee.

19. Men’s and Women’s 2 Wood Singles

All 2 wood singles matches will be played in accordance with the General Rules listed above. The following rules will also apply:

  • Matches will consist of 18 ends

  • Each player will bowl 2 woods at each end

  • The winner will be the player with the highest aggregate score after 18 ends have been played

  • The match may finish early with the agreement of both players where one player has reached an unassailable scoring lead

  • Markers are required for singles matches and should be arranged in line with the Competition General Rules. 

  • In the event of a tie after 18 ends an additional deciding end will be played

20. Men’s, Women’s and Mixed Pairs

All pairs matches will be played in accordance with the General Rules listed above. The following rules will also apply:

  • Matches will consist of 21 ends

  • Each player will bowl 4 woods at each end

  • The winning pair will be those players with the highest aggregate score after 21 ends have been played

  • The match may finish early with the agreement of both pairs where one pair has reached an unassailable scoring lead

  • Markers are not required for pairs matches

  • In the event of a tie after 21 ends an additional deciding end will be played




Individual Handicap Guidelines 

  1. The setting and review of handicaps for Club Competitions will be completed by the Competitions Committee before draws are made for each competition

  2. The purpose of these guidelines is to define how individual handicap scores have been assigned and used in assessing the individual players Club Competitions.

  3. The handicap for individuals will be assessed annually reflecting the previous seasons bowling progress/regression.

  4. Handicap matches should be played with the handicap applied at the start of each match and reflected on the scoreboard

    1. As an example, if player A has a handicap of 1 and player B a handicap of 8, the score for player B starts with 7 shots.


Individual Handicap Scoring Criteria

  • 0  - Winner of this competition in the previous season

  • 1 - Finalist of this competition in the previous season

  • 2 - Match player experienced bowler regular A team player or player for multiple seasons

  • 3 - A team or regular player for last season or similar level at an alternative club

  • 4 - Occasional A team or regular B team player for previous season or similar club experience

  • 5 - Occasional B team or similar club experience

  • 6 - Regular Friendly player for multiple seasons

  • 7 - Occasional friendly, roll up player for multiple seasons

  • 8 - New player to bowls with less than two years playing experience

© 2017 Wolverton Park Bowls Club

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